Once there was a shopkeeper who was worried about the safety of his shop in the night when the shop was closed. So after much deliberation he hired a security guard. He rested well for few days but then again started worrying that what if the security guard goes to sleep on duty and his shop is looted. So he hires another security guard. Now he starts to worry what if these guards keep chatting within themselves so he hires a supervisor to look over them. Handling the salaries and times of guard become an issue so he goes ahead an hires an accountant to manage this. With 4 people to look after he doesn’t have enough time to look after the shop, so he hires a manager to look after the people.
Then one day he realizes the profits are dropping. He checks and sees the expenses and realizes that there are far too many people on security, so he calls the manager for deliberation. After a lengthy discussion they arrive at a decision to fire one of the security guards.
KKR finds itself in the similar position, it has an entourage of people to help the players traveling with the team to South Africa and have send back a couple of players. These players don’t fit into the scheme of things and to keep costs down they are been send back instead of they just lugging along with the team.